Thursday, October 16, 2008

In just a few days we will be taking another mission team trip to Uganda. It is an awesome thing to fall into the hands of the living God and this is the place God has called and convicted me. I am so entirely grateful for the support to church, friends and family. I am awed by the gift that these visits are to me - I learn and grow as I serve and I delight in seeing the effect it has on team members. How can I describe why I do this? As simply as I can say it is this: I go to serve, to encourage and to be remade into what God wants me to be. Yes, we teach, preach and share our gifts and lives with the great pastors and people of a church which is rapidly growing, but I am selfish... I go because of what I learn - in me, of what God is up to and about a totally different culture. Please pray for our team and then pray that as I stay those extra couple days to retreat and pray with Davis God will reveal God's hand for the future of Nexus Seminary Uganda and the work we are called to do TOGETHER.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I do not know if we are in the worst economic times since the great depression or not. But I do know that some people are worried and wondering where it is all going. It appears that the government is taking steps to prevent disaster. But there will be some shaking and baking. Louise and I have been through the bankruptcy of a utility company and sadly saw much of an IRA and some stock options disappear. We had also watched the value of that IRA or the stock in it move up rapidly. I remember saying to myself and breathing a little prayer, "Lord, help us not to depend on this more than we depend on you."
We should think long term and remember that values will go up and down. The saddest part right now is those who have stocks, etc. and need them to be healthy to live month to month. So we pray for a quick recovery. I have said several times in the past few weeks (since the weekend that Louise worked most of the weekend when her company needed to assess their risk when Lehman Brothers went under) invest in people. Do some diverse economic investing, but remember that this is life and in life Christians and other good people invest in people. Invest in your family members, your friends, your close associates and invest in people such as mission work, volunteering and serving those who need our help. There is that old Robert Schuller phrase, 'Find a need and fill it."
Thanks to the many friends and family who are investing in Nexus Seminary Uganda. You are investing in eternal matters. You are investing in depth. You are investing in men and women who know nothing of stock, retirement plans and bonuses. they are mostly day to day and as those who do subsistance farming say, "Digging."
"Four things a man must do. If he would make his record true. To think without confusion clearly. To love his fellow man sincerely. To act with honest motives purely. To trust in God and heaven securely." Henry Van Dyke (He also authored Joyful Joyful we adore Thee.)