Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Salt and Fat

Leviticus 2:13 "Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings. Add salt to all your offerings." Without salt in your food it seems to lack. Too much salt ruins it. There is the savory part of adding the salt to the grain offering. It completes it. There may be another part we miss. Salt was precious. It may have been more traded and valuable in some places than the grain. (I can see it now, some smart person will put some in Sunday's offering.) In any case it adds value to the sacrifice. IT marks the covenant promise with God.

On to another scripture - I just love this one especially in Lent - ready Leviticus 3:16 "All the fat is the Lord's." My friend, the rather large Rev. Bill Powell, often quoted it "All fat is the Lord's" he was either saying that he surely belonged to God OR that the fat on him was not his, it belonged to God. I prefer the plan that in making the sacrifices the fat was burnt up. So on to the fat burning plan. Exercise, take care of yourself and offer that fat to God!

"Going to the gym?" someone asks. "No, I am going to make an offering to the Lord." He says. ;-)

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