Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Church Gomba

I am always amazed at my friends in Uganda. It blows my mind when they set out to do things because they are the right thing. They do them in faith, believing that God will provide and show them the way. Even I have such "in the box" thinking on some of these things, but I try to keep myself stretched out, seeing new and amazing things. Here is a quote from my partner in Uganda with Nexus Seminary. BTW Gomba is 2 hours drive out from the capital of Kampala into the "bush". The roads get smaller, narrower until they are paths....

"we have set out an amazing program for december, a work of faith for that matter. we are doing evangelism course on 11 & 12 th dec and then go on straight into an evangelistic outreach for the rest of the week; there after we shall plant a new church that same week. this will be 2-3miles in the interior from Israel's church. the place is called Sekulo, i visited it monday after class and was struck by the level of drunkenness there. there has never been an outreach in
the place and there are one or two christians there."

Regarding my non "out of the box" thinking I love this quote from Retired Colonel Jeff O'Leary in a book "The Centurion Principles" "Great leaders don't think outside the box-- they bury it. And then they make darn sure none of their followers are tempted to dig it up again." I love it!

Lastly a quote from Thomas Alva Edison - M A Rosanoff "Mr. Edison, please tell me what laboratory rules you want me to observe." Edison "What? There ain't no rules around here! We're tryin to accomplish somep'in!"

More from Centurion Principles in another blog.

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